Monday, August 10, 2009

thanks from shell

I am a believer!!!! thanks for the prayers we can feel them!!! I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father I know he will give them the strength to make it home.... WE are praying to find them before dark!!!!!! thanks so much thanks for shell


  1. ok girl, that will be my prayer also!

  2. Oh, Shell....we are indeed calling down the powers of heaven for Mingos. God does know exactly where they are! He knows. Let us join our prayers together that - the rescuers can find them - TODAY!!!!!!!

  3. Shelly,
    The Kids and I are praying for them and you too. Asking for an added measure of strength, that they won't feel hunger or thirst and that they will be found with in the hour and before dark.
    I have forwarded the emails to my Family, Sisters I've served with on the square and my Mission President. We will pray them home....
    Love you, Julie xoxoxox

  4. shell i'll pray they find them before dark and that they won't feel hunger or thirst also! we love you guys so much! rachel

  5. Annie and I have knelt in prayer and our thoughts are with you Shell and Family. We love you.

    Chad and Annie
