Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today is a hard day.

Arlene here:
I just talked to Bev.
She said, "Today is a hard day."
Many decisions to make.
Words we don't imagine using when we are in our 20's ...like funeral, memorial service, burial, casket. Those words.
Because it is three men involved.
Because there is much to consider and coordinate - the plans for the 'services' are still pending.

Because our families believe life is eternal.
Because we believe that families are forever.
Because of love and eternal covenants.
Because a prophet of God said these words,
"The veil which separates us from the Spirit world sometimes seems very thin to us..however, surely those who have passed beyond, can see more clearly through the veil back here to us...I believe we move and have our being in the presence of heavenly beings....We are close to our kindred...I claim we live in their presence, they see us, they are solicitous of our welfare, they love us now more than ever."
(Joseph F Smith - Gospel Doctrine pg 429)
Because of these words...we know there is comfort.

BUT - I also....
believe today is a hard day...............on both sides of the veil.
I believe Jordan - Jed - Ron are having a hard day.

Today is a hard day.


  1. It is a hard day. I still can't comprehend it. You are all in my prayers.
    Lindsey Johnson
    (Ronny Hahn's little sister)

  2. Hard day indeed. I love the quote from the Joseph F. Smith. I believe it.

    Families are eternal. My prayers are with you.

  3. "Wish You Were Here" - A song from Mark Harris that reminds you that although the pain is fierce, the boys are in the most amazing place.

    I wanted to tell you how closely I've kept
    The memories of you in my heart
    And all of the lifetimes that we've had to share
    Live even though we're apart

    But don't cry for me
    'Cause I'm finally free

    To run with the angels
    On streets made of gold
    To listen to stories of saints new and old
    To worship our Maker
    That's where I'll be
    When you finally find me

    Now don't you be weary cause waiting for you
    Are wonders that you've never known
    Just hold on to Jesus, reach out for His hands
    And one day they'll welcome you home
    And that's when you'll be
    Finally Free

    To run with the angels
    On streets made of gold
    To listen to stories of saints new and old
    To worship our Maker
    That's where I'll be
    When you finally find me

    I wish you were here

    And all of the dreams that you treasure
    Will soon come together
    And that's when your sorrow will find tomorrow
    And you will rise again

    To run with the angels
    On streets made of gold
    To listen to stories of saints new and old
    To worship our Maker
    That's where I'll be
    When you finally find me
